"A third set of ideas, reflected in prosperity theology, represents a theological trajectory within a movement that constantly emphasizes life, blessing, and wholeness as emerging from ever increasing degrees of immersion into God’s presence. There is an ongoing debate within Pentecostal circles as to how best to think about prosperity, and Pentecostals who prioritize economic prosperity clearly push too far in one direction. "
"Part of Pentecostalism’s appeal in the global south, however, stems from its continuous message of human flourishing—that God is concerned with the material well being of the individual as much as with the spiritual well being, and that these are intimately related. Pentecostals largely do not dichotomize between healing of the body and healing of the soul nor do they push salvation into a distant future. Salvation concerns the healing of the human person, body and soul, in the present moment, which stands in continuity with future consummation. "
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