Wednesday, March 9, 2011


"The question of the relationship of the Rapture to that of the Tribulation may be set in proper perspective if we first survey the history of prophetic interpretation. The hope of the Church throughout the early centuries was the second coming of Christ, not a pretribulation rapture. If the Blessed Hope is in fact a pretribulation rapture, then the Church has never known that hope through most of its history, for the idea of a pretribulation rapture did not appear in prophetic interpretation until the nineteenth century." 

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Throw out the damn tongue speakers!

Tumult reigned in the patio. One man stood on a chair, shouting, "Throw out the damn tongue speakers!" according to Bennett.

Some Renewal history here. 

Wind of Terror, Wind of Glory

"Our spirituality encourages us to proclaim our victories, but we lament in silence. We have room for a God who is active in our affairs. We even have room for a Satan who is active in our affairs. But we have little or no room for a God who seems indifferent to our suffering. Certainly, we have no room for a God who moves to afflict. But the Scriptures give us such a testimony."


Space, Time, and Sacraments - N.T. Wright

Great series of messages on the Sacraments.

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Trinity Relationality Sex

Now in the confession of the Trinity we hear the heartbeat of the Christian religion: every error results from, or upon deeper reflection is traceable to, a departure in the doctrine of the Trinity.”

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

On Pentecostal women (that is to say, ladies)

"Such women are the engine room of the church. To a great extent, even the formal power structures depend on their secret society, their prayers and prophecies and discerning of spirits. They exercise a tremendous social and theological power, even in churches where the official theology is repressive and the official power rests solely in the hands of men. All this is, as I said, explicit and transparent in Pentecostalism – but isn’t the same thing true in churches semper et ubique? "

Read more of this great article!